n. 漏损,溢出(spill的复数) | v. 使溅...
adj. 刺状的;多刺的;尖尖的;难弄的
...卡兹曼1979年),我接到了亚得桑那州在大学的杰出地质年代学教授保罗·戴蒙(Paul Damon)写给EOS编辑A·F·斯比尔豪斯(Spilhaus)博士的信函复印件。尽管戴蒙的来信语气挑剔,我仍兴高采烈;因为他直接针对我作品中的暗示之处进行评论。
斯皮尔豪斯 ; 斯皮赫斯
Artificial climates inside domes no longer seem far-fetched, but Mr Spilhaus was not offended that his idea was not taken up.
ECONOMIST: Athelstan Spilhaus
Athelstan Spilhaus had more success as a member of the team that in January 1958 launched Explorer 1, the first American satellite.
Mr Spilhaus did his best, though, to sustain the art.