释义 |
- 尖峰电位:指神经元或肌肉细胞中的瞬时电压变化,通常由于神经冲动或肌肉收缩引起。
1 [生理]?峰电位 3、 与AP相关的概念:峰电位(spike potential):动作电位上升支和下降支形成尖锋样波形后电位:锋电位下降支最后恢复后电位:锋电位下降支最后恢复到RP水平以前, 一种时间较长... 2 ?锋电位 (1)锋电位(spike potential):在刺激后几乎立即出现,潜伏期不超过0.06毫秒。其幅度为静息电位与超射值之和,并服从全或无定律和非递减性传导。 3 ?尖峰电势 ... 发动机的额定功率 power rating of electric generator 尖峰电势,尖峰电位 spike potential 径向电位梯度 radial potential gradient ... 4 ?尖峰电位 ... spike mill 钉碎机,针碎机... spike potential 尖峰电位,峰电位... rail spike 道钉 ...
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The Decoction for Regulating the Flow of Qi and Removing Stagnation could enhance spike potential activities in abomasal pyloric antrum, duodenum and jejunum. 理气导滞汤能使皱胃幽门窦、十二指肠和空肠的峰电活动增强。 - 2
Postmeal spike potential and duration was decreased, showing that gastrocolonic reflex of rats colon was decreased. Conclusion Long term abuse of stimulant laxuative… 餐后峰电位发放明显少于正常对照组且持续时间短,表明胃结肠反射明显减弱。 - 3
But those data aside, it appears that Beijing is starting to become worried about a potential spike in pork prices down the track, and with good reason. 但抛开这些数据,看起来北京正开始担心接下去猪肉价格可能会上涨,这种担心是有充分理由的。