n. 支墩,支柱;防洪堤(pier的复数形式)
... Spitler 臧霸 Spiers 笮融 Sohn 张苞 ...
... 所属州: CT 名字: Spiers 姓: Donald ...
鲍勃 ; 斯皮尔斯 ; 鲍勃·斯皮尔斯
Shaun Spiers, Chief Executive of the CPRE, said the future looked bleak unless action was taken immediately.
BBC: Rural housing shortage 'worsens'
Carole Spiers, chairwoman of the National Stress Awareness Day committee, said employers needed to do more to help their employees to overcome stress.
BBC: Commuting is 'biggest stress'
And, like his depressive guide, Leonard Cohen whom Spiers has covered many times he takes aim with a suppressed grin.
NPR: First Listen: Harvey Milk, 'A Small Turn Of Human Kindness'