释义 |
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Some species of the spider weave designs into their webs, creating zigzag patterns that can either attract prey, like bees, in bright sunlight. 一些种类的蜘蛛能设计织网,设计出可以在明媚的阳光下吸引像蜜蜂等猎物。 - 2
It's a complaint echoed by Lou Lumenick in the New York Post, who begins his review by writing, "Oh, what a tangled web does Spider-Man 3 weave. 同样的责难也出现在纽约邮报卢·拉姆尼克的评论中,他在开篇就写:“哦,《蜘蛛侠3》编织的这张网那是相当乱哪! - 3
One duy, as he lay thinking, he saw a spider over his head, making ready to weave her web. 一天,正当他躺着思索的时候,看见一只蜘蛛在他头上,准备织网。