释义 |
- 一百亿:表示数字10,000,000,000,即10的十次方。
1 ?一百亿 我跟Webber之前已经合作过几次,我们一起创作了《天皇》(Emperor,2012),《一百亿》(Ten Billion,2015)等等。2016年时,Peter跟我提过这部电影,那时候我恰好在伦敦,于是就去见制片人了。
- 1
Looking still further ahead, by the end of the next century world population is expected to be about ten billion. 再往远看,到下个世纪末,世界人口预期达到一百亿左右。 - 2
Maybe more by now. But let's, for the sake of argument, ten billion pages. - 3
Space scientists revealed that they had discovered a ten billion trillion trillion carat gem. 宇宙科学家们透露他们发现了一块重达10的46次方克拉的宝石。