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能源科学技术 榍石 The election can be expected to abandon gangue minerals, the magnetic separation to get the concentrate in the iron ore, and the electric way to elect ilmenite sphene with lower scandium and get high quality scandium concentrate. 电选的方法把含钪较低的钛铁矿榍石选出来,得到高质量的钪精矿。 楔矿
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化学 榍石 Firstly, the pigment prepared by presynthesized tin sphene was obtained and has a good colour development. Theorical evidence was found by coprecipitation method. 首先得到了采用预先合成锡榍石制备色料效果要好于一次性合成色料的结论,为化学共沉淀前驱体合成法找到了理论依据。
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