

单词 temporal clause
temporal clause
  • 简明释义
  • 时间从句
  • 网络释义
  • 1


    ... time depth 时深〔语言年代学用以计算二种同系语言分开时间的公式〕 temporal clause 时间分句;时间子句 end-point 时间的讫点 ...

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    Temporal queries involving business time are also easy to write-and you need only include FOR BUSINESS_TIME in the FROM clause.
    涉及业务时间的时态查询也很容易编写,您仅需要在from子句中包含FOR BUSINESS_TIME。
  • 2
    You can enable versioning of the temporal table by using the ALTER table command with the ADD versioning clause and specifying the history table name in the use history table clause (see Listing 3).
    您可以使用ALTER TABLE命令和ADD versioning子句,并在USE HISTORY table子句中指定历史表名称,为时态表启用版本控制(参见清单3)。
  • 3
    DB2 automatically rewrites the queries with appropriate WHERE clause predicates depending on the data types used in the start and end columns of the temporal tables.
    DB 2依据时态表的开始和结束列中使用的数据类型,使用合适的where子句谓词自动重写查询。




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