翻手为云覆手变雨 very powerful and capable (idiom) 翻腾 to turn over; to surge; to churn; to rummage; raging (torrent) 翻箱倒柜 to overturn trunks and boxes; to make a thorough search (idiom) ..
喷薄 to gush; to squirt; to surge; to well out; to overflow 喷薄 to gush; to squirt; to surge; to well out; to overflow 喷薄欲出 to emerge in blazing glor...
Among large traditional retailers, Walmart recently reported the best results, leading its stocking price tosurge.
Among large traditional retailers, Walmart recently reported the best results, leading its stock price tosurge, while Macy's, Target, and Nordstrom's dropped.