widening inequalities between the poor and the rich贫富阶层之间日趋扩大的不公 to such an extent到达这样一种程度 the institution and the enforcement of the most stringent laws制定并实施最严厉的法律 ..
... intensive adj. 仔细深入的,细致入微的。 to such an extent到如此的程度 。 intensive care 特级护理。 ...
to some extent 在某种程度上 to such an extent adv (this much) 到此程度to such an extent conj (so greatly) 到如此大的程度,竟然到了这样的程度 ..
... to an appropriate extent 适当地 to such an extent如此之多〔大〕 to the extent of 到…程度 ...
Obesity, in which excess body fat has accumulated tosuchanextent that health may be adversely affected, meets the dictionary definition of disease, argues Professor John Wilding.