... 鹅口疮thrush 遏止其扩散to stem the spread of (HIV/AIDS) 儿科艾滋病临床试验联盟pediatric AIDS clinical trials group (PACTG) ...
... 鹅口疮 thrush 抑止其扩散to stem the spread of (HIV/AIDS) 儿科艾滋病临床实验同盟 pediatric AIDS clinical trials group (PACTG) ...
The goal of treatment is to lower HIV levels to help the immune system renew itself and keep people healthier longer, in part tostemthespreadof the virus.
"Most businesses appear to have Conficker under control," he said. "They've applied patches and updated their anti-virus software tostemthespreadof the worm."
Professor Van Tam said the findings confirmed the need to regularly wash your hands and sneeze into your elbow when on public transport tostemthespreadof winter viruses.