扭剪试验 标准/规范英文名: Testing of adhesives for metals and of bonded metal joints; torsional shear test 批准日期: 1984-05 翻译进度: 待翻译 标准号&标准中文名&标准英文名: DIN 54455-1984 金属粘合剂和金属粘结的检验.
... torsional fatigue test 扭转疲劳试验 torsional shear test 扭剪试验 ; 扭转剪力试验 electrical torsional strength test 电瓷抗剪强度试验 ...
Some behaviors of saturated flyash such as pore water pressure, dynamic strength, and dynamic deformation are studied by the dynamic torsionalsheartest.
This paper presents the test results of a series of dynamic cyclic torsionalshear tests on saturated sands using both stress-controlled and strain-controlled process.