n. 铁箍;轮铁;船底板;狭长草地
n. 栈式存储器
... 名字: Stracke 姓: P 标签: P Stracke ...
斯凯·斯翠克 ; 斯翠克
"When a man's upset, he can't think straight, " Stracke quoted Malvo as saying.
CNN: Guard: Sniper suspect Malvo planned to shoot bus full of kids
"Chevrolet MyLink is the next logical step for in-vehicle connectivity, " said Karl Stracke, vice president for Global Product Engineering.
ENGADGET: Chevrolet launches MyLink smartphone integration for 2012 Volt and Equinox
"The banking system is in difficulty, but it's not in danger of collapse by any means, " says credit analyst Stracke.
NPR: Lenders Consider Freezing Rates on Subprime Loans