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您要找的是不是: toughadj. 艰苦的,困难的;坚强的,不屈不挠... soughn. 飒飒声 | vi. 飒飒响动;哗哗地响 | vt... 1 ?名字 ... 所属州: NJ 名字: Stough 姓: C ... 2
- 1
"Good morning, class of 2014," Stough, better known as the voice of several characters on the show, said. "as Mr. Hankey, the Christmaspoo, would say, 'Howdy ho!'" “早上好,2014级毕业的同学们,”斯特图说道,他给几部动画片配过音,所以大家熟悉他的声音。他说:“当圣诞耙耙遇到卫生纸先生,他会这样打招呼,喂!” - 2
"Good morning, class of 2014," Stough, better known as the voice of several characters on the show, said. "as Mr. Hankey, the Christmas poo, would say, 'Howdy ho!'" “早上好,2014级毕业的同学们,”斯特图说道,他给几部动画片配过音,所以大家熟悉他的声音。他说:“当圣诞耙耙遇到卫生纸先生,他会这样打招呼,喂!”