释义 |
1 ?逻辑关系 XLD:要提取的XLD SelectedXLD:提取到的XLD Features:提取XLD的特征依据 Operation:特征之间的逻辑关系(and or) Min,Max:特征值的要求范围 ? Select_Contours_xld(Contours:SelectedContours:Features,Min,Max,Min2,Max2:) 作用.. 2 ?检索条件有多个时使用ANDOR MySql ... IS NULL 空值检查(检索值为NULL的字段) AND OR 检索条件有多个时使用AND(并且的意思指多个检索条件同时满足)OR(或者的意思多个检索条件有一个或者多个满足) IN 功能与OR相同(用法where 字段名 in(值1,值2)) ... 3 ?多个条件查询 ... 是否为空值 IS NULL IS NOT NULL 多个条件查询 AND OR -- 指定范围: BETWEEN ANDNOT BETWEEN AND ...
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Unless you have an asymmetric set-up, in which case the client can POST and/or PUT its order somewhere on the server. 除非你有一个不对称的设置,在这种情况下客户端可以 POST 和/或 PUT 它的订单到服务器的某处。 - 2
Big name schools are not necessarily the best places for professors; plus, many professors split teaching time between multiple colleges and/or universities. 名牌学校不一定是教授们的最佳选择;并且,许多教授在多个学院和/或大学之间分割教学时间。 - 3
A great leader will assess each situation on its merits, and will only take charge when their position, the situation, and/or the needs of the moment demand it. 一个伟大的领导者会评估每一种情况的好坏,并且只会在他们的职位、情景和/或当前的情况需要的时候挺身而出。