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存储、数字 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
If we did have a way to store digital data long-term, the next question would be what to preserve, and how to keep it safe but easily discoverable. 如果我们找到了长期储存数字化信息的方法,那么接下来要解决的问题便是我们应该保存哪些重要的数据,以及如何保证信息的安全,并且使人类方便地辨认出这些信息。 - 2
Dropbox lets users store digital files — photos, personal documents, music — in an electronic locker that the owner can access or share on nearly any Net-connected device. Dropbox允许用户在“电子存储箱”里存放图片、个人文档、音乐等数码文件,用户几乎可以通过任何互联网设备访问和分享这些文件。 - 3
As its name implies, it is a publicly available service that lets Web developers store digital assets (such as images, video, music, and documents) for use in their applications. 顾名思义,这是一个公开的服务,使Web开发人员能够存储数字资产(如图片、视频、音乐和文档等),以便在应用程序中使用。