释义 |
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This system can acquire, store, process and plot for measured data of gear's each tooth which lays the foundation for the realization of automation in gear accurate test. 该系统可对齿轮每齿高的测量数据进行采集、存储、处理、并绘制成图,为最终实现齿轮精度测试的自动化奠定了基础。 - 2
The system has high accuracy and resolution ratio, automation degree is high. It has continuation and peak value collecting function, can store and printing text result. 该系统精度和分辨率高,自动化程度强,具有连续和峰值采集功能,能存储和打印多次试验结果。 - 3
The paper Introduces Technolegy Outfit of Store Automation - Business POS System, it mainly discusses the Concept, Constitute and Function of POS System. 本文对商店自动化的主要技术装备——商业POS系统作了介绍,着重描述了它的概念,组成及主要功能。