释义 |
belly landing 英/ ?beli ?l?nd?? / 美/ ?beli ?l?nd?? / - 机腹着陆:指飞机在紧急情况下,关闭起落架,用机身底部滑行着陆的过程。
1 ?机腹着陆 ... Belly landing 机腹着陆 Ditching 水面迫降 Slide 紧急逃生滑梯 ... 2 ?迫降 ... to level off 拉平 belly landing 迫降 autopilot 自动驾驶 ...
- 1
Hovering briefly over the photographer, feet tucked up beneath its belly, a frigatebird comes in for a landing on Rawaki. 一只军舰岛悬停于摄影师的头顶,双足并拢于腹部,准备降落在拉瓦基岛上。 - 2
Tires blew, steel snapped, and the landing gear folded. The burning aircraft teetered to port, then the belly hit the concrete and skidded along, trailing a torrent of hot white sparks. 轮胎爆炸,钢架折断,起落架扭曲成废铁,还在燃烧的飞机摇摇晃晃地倒向左边,机腹落在水泥铺就的地面上开始滑行,擦出一串灼热的白色火花。 - 3
Nowadays, the first news source is Twitter rather than TV, no matter what kind of the news, such as "swine flu", terrorist attacks in Bombay or belly-landing on the Hudson River in New York. 现在,大家获取突发新闻的首选场所已经不是电视而是Twitter,不管这类新闻是“猪流感”这样的疫病,还是孟买的恐怖袭击,抑或是纽约哈德逊河上的迫降。