释义 |
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Many countries have copied these “striding steel sentries”, as the poet Stephen Spender called them; more than 88, 000 now march across the country’s intermittently green and pleasant land. 诗人斯蒂芬斯班德称这些建筑为“大步跨越的钢铁哨兵”,现今许多国家也仿造了这种建筑。 现在英国有88,000多这类的输电塔渐渐断断地矗立在绿色和令人喜爱的土地上。 - 2
The literary magazines took a few of his poems. He struggled to get published anywhere, though Kathleen Raine and Stephen Spender took a shine to him in the 1960s, and Penguin published him in 1996. 虽说文学杂志登过他的一些诗,上个世纪六十年代时凯瑟琳?雷恩和史提芬?斯班德也颇为欣赏他,1996年企鹅出版社还为他出了书,但是发表诗歌本就是件难事,他为此不得不极力奔走。 - 3
At Oxford his precocity as a poet was immediately apparent, and he formed lifelong friendships with two fellow writers, Stephen Spender and Christopher Isherwood. 在牛津时,作为一个诗人,他的早熟很快就显现出来了,他与两位伙伴作家史蒂芬·斯彭德和克里斯托弗建立了一生友谊。