释义 |
1 ?世事 the glimpse of the moon 世事; 夜的世界, 尘世夜景.. 2 ?夜的世界 the glimpse of the moon 世事; 夜的世界, 尘世夜景..
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Approaching along National Highway 104, I got a sudden glimpse of one of the world's most remarkable buildings, the Sun-Moon Mansion. 进入104国道之后,我突然瞥见了世界上最杰出的建筑之一——日月坛大厦。 - 2
Those who viewed the event from places like Indonesia or Micronesia saw the moon completely engulf the sun - a moment known as totality - and caught a rare glimpse of the star's roaring corona. 在印尼或密克罗尼西亚等地观看此次日全食的人看见月亮完全吞没了太阳——这个时刻叫全食——并罕见地看到了壮丽的日冕。 - 3
The movie, "Moon Hennessy", released its trailer on January 17, providing a glimpse of the actress' new performance (see photo). 电影《月满轩尼诗》17日放出预告片,人们得以一睹汤唯的新容。