格兰威特(The Glenlivet)首席酿酒师艾伦?温彻斯特(Alan Winchester)就是如此。
... 格兰非帝兹纯麦威士忌 Glenfiddich 格兰利维特纯麦威士忌 The Glenlivet 高地猎场牌纯麦威士忌 Highland Park ...
...“单一麦芽之源”的格兰威特威士忌近期极具创意地推出了一款风格新颖的威士忌——格兰威特阿尔法单一麦芽威士忌(the glenlivet )。此款未带有年份唆使、陈酿信息和品鉴纪录的全新威士忌以神秘面目引发全球威士忌品鉴人士的深入探索和寻味体验。
It produces Chivas Regal, Ballantine's Beefeater Gin, The Glenlivet, Royal Salute, Aberlour, Scapa, and 100 Pipers.
BBC: Chivas Brothers reveal plans for new Speyside distillery
Paisley-based Chivas Brother's portfolio includes Chivas Regal, Ballantine's, Beefeater Gin, The Glenlivet and Royal Salute.
BBC: Christian Porta
Royal Salute sales grew by 23% in value, with The Glenlivet and Chivas recording 19% and 11% rises respectively.
BBC: Pernod Ricard boosted by booming whisky sales