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黑衣绅士 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?恶魔 The ghost walks是什么意思 ... the gentleman in black怎么翻译及发音 the gentle craft的中文翻译及音标 the gate of horn是什么意思及用法 ...
- 1
A real Southern gentleman, from owlish glasses to black wingtip shoes, who would hold the door for any woman and thank you, with a nod and a smile, for smoking North Carolinian tobacco in his office. 他是一个真正的南方绅士,从让人感觉严肃的眼镜到黑色的系鞋带的皮鞋。他会为所有的女士开门,他会向你点头和微笑以示谢意,他还会在自己的办公室里抽North Carolinian的烟草。 - 2
But not so the sedate gentleman in the black bowler hat who made quite a fool of himself. 然而,那位头戴黑色圆顶硬礼帽、举止稳重的人,却出了洋相。 - 3
While he was thus engaged, a chariot drove to the door, and a portly gentleman in black, with a heavy watch-chain, alighted, and went in. 当他正这样看着的时候,一辆轻便四轮马车来到门前,一位举止庄重、穿着黑衣服、挂着一条沉甸甸的表链子的先生下了马车,走进屋里去。