释义 |
1 ?家中最好的孩子 ... yard a flock of sheep把一群羊圈进场地 the flower of the flock家中最好的孩子 fire into the wrong flock打错目标, 失误 ...
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"Ah! " cried another voice, that of the youngest hand on board, and evidently full of admiration. "He was the flower of the flock, was Flint! " “啊!”另一个声音叫道,那是船上最年轻的水手,声音里充满了赞美之情,“他是人中俊杰哩,那个弗林特!” - 2
Calson, a retired photographer, said of this leafy part of the city, where tourists flock to view the steeply sloped, crooked street adorned with flower beds. 她是一名退休摄影师。 她指的是旧金山的这片树木繁茂的区域。 游客们蜂拥而至观看装饰着花坛的弯曲陡峭的街道。