... the first Hot impression 第一次印刷the first impression第一次印刷 ; 第一印象 Second First Impression 再一次心动 ...
第一印象(The first impression)是指在最初的接触中给别人留下的印象。第一印象和以后的印象不同,它有特别强的固着作用,一旦形成,很难消退,并影响着以后对相...
...太把自己当回事了 ? Take yourself too seriously the 第一感觉 ? The first impression 又到了简单停留,然后找寻前进的方向 ? Again simple stays, and then look for the forward direction ..
... the third edition 第三版 the first impression一流次印刷 the second impression 第二次印刷 ...
It may sound like an unusual piece of advice, but it is true thefirstimpression someone has of you when meeting you for thefirst time will probably influence how that person treats you or reacts to you in the future.