高硫、高砷、钒钛磁铁矿 ? High sulfur, arsenic, vanadium-titanium magnetite 沟女 ? The female 你能告诉我如何操作电脑么? ? Can you tell me how to operate the PC?
那个女生;会摸女生的头;会故意和那个女生斗嘴,惹女生生气等等。 ? The female; girls will touch the head; would deliberately and that girls girls get angry words, Yogyakarta, and so on.
那个女生;会摸女生的头;会故意和那个女生斗嘴,惹女生生气等等。 ? The female; girls will touch the head; would deliberately and that girls girls get angry words, Yogyakarta, and so on.