美国“联邦国民抵押贷款协会”(the Federal National Mortgage Association),简称“房利美”(FannieMae)于1938年由国会 创设,但在1968年通过《住宅和城市开发法案》后,它被拆分成两个实体:一个仍保留原...
Specifically, the SEC alleges that Fannie Mae, formally known as theFederalNationalMortgageAssociation, underreported the amount of subprime loans made to borrowers with weak credit histories.
FORBES: SEC Sues 6 Ex-Freddie And Fannie Execs For Securities Fraud
When the travel for that job became too much for a man with a young family, he accepted an offer to become vice chairman of theFederalNationalMortgageAssociation, known as Fannie Mae, the nation's largest investor in home mortgages.
CNN: AllPolitics - TIME This Week
Indeed, according to theNationalAssociation of Home Builders (NAHB), the stimulus of a similar federal tax credit and subsidized mortgage rates offered in 1975 were instrumental in pulling the economy out of recession back then.