释义 |
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The devil says, "On Wednesdays, all we do is sit around and swear a lot, we try to make up new cuss words, and have a great time, you'll just love Wednesdays." 恶魔说”在周三,我们会坐在一起诅咒别人,编一些各类的新脏话,很过瘾! 周三你会很爽! - 2
That's all the devil wants to do is get the fight out of you and kill it. 魔鬼想要的就是让你们彼此不合,而且扼杀你们的亲情。 - 3
Habits that monster, although is the devil, to devour all sense of shame, will do the angels, to accumulate over a long period of good virtue edification as naturally and is comfortable with the norm. ⊙、习气那个怪物,虽然是魔鬼,会吞掉一切的羞耻心,也会做天使,把日积月累的美德善行熏陶成自然而然而令人安之若素的家常便饭。