

单词 ancillary customer service
ancillary customer service
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    bible_13_Ch_10_1kings.htm... ... 君王在耶路撒冷有的银子多如石头,香柏木多如平原的桑树。 27And he made silver to be as plentiful in Jerusalem as stones: and cedars to be as common as sycamores which grow in the plains. 撒罗满所有的马,都是慕兹黎和科厄运来的,是君王的商人付出定价,从科厄买来的。 28And horses were brought for Solomon out of Egypt, and Coa: for the king's merchants brought them out of Coa, and bought them at a set price. 从慕兹黎运来一辆战车,需银六百『协刻耳』;一匹马,需银一百五十『协刻耳』。同样,为赫特人和阿兰人的君王输送车马,也是经过这些商人。 29And a chariot of four horses came out of Egypt, for six hundred sides of silver, and a horse for a hundred and fifty. And after this manner did all the kings of the Hethites, and of Syria, sell horses. ...





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