...settling 不注意 inattentiveness ;inobservance ;mindlessness ;take no account of ;take no notice of ;taken no account of ;taken no notice of ;takes no account of ;takes no notice of ;took no account of ;took no notice of 不活动 inaction ..
...不给 defy 不美丽的 unhandsome 不考虑 take no account of ;taken no account of ;takes no account of ;took no account of ;with no view of ;without regard for ;without regard to ..
"No studies I'm aware of have ever taken IQ into account or looked at how people with different cognitive abilities might respond [to treatment]," she says.
On the other hand, there is no indication in cases of typical CSM and OPLL if a potential risk of vertebral artery or nerve injury is taken into account.
Although the shares remain issued, they are no longer considered part of the total shares outstanding that are taken into account in calculating earnings per share or market capitalisation.