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speech recognition program 语音识别程序 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 [计]?语音识别程序 ... 语音识别 phonetic recognition 语音识别程序 speech recognition program 语音识别和理解 speech recognition and understanding ...
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Originally, their movements are controlled by the program, plus image recognition and speech recognition sensing technology, they become more flexible! 原来,他们的动作都是由程序控制的,再加上图像识别与语音识别的传感技术,他们就变得更加灵活了! - 2
Accomplished an entire program which include speech input, pre-process, training, recognition and result output. 实现了一个较为完整的语音处理程序,包含语音录入、预处理、训练、识别及结果输出等过程。 - 3
Including the main program, sub-control robot moves, voice and speech recognition to play subroutine program. 其中包括主程序、机器人动作控制子程序、语音播放子程序及语音识别程序。