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规范(规范) 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
When the engineer performs inspection, it is usually to determine that the structure, as completed, conforms to the plans and specs (specifications). 工程师进行检查时,通常是确定建筑物在竣工时是否符合图纸和施工说明书。 - 2
In an ideal world, where specifications contain no optionality or ambiguity, a profile would be just a list of specs that compose together to achieve a given function. 在理想的情况下,规范没有可选性或多义性,概要应该是为实现给定功能而组合到一起的规范的列表。 - 3
Moreover, each of the main specifications contains ambiguities that can stifle interoperability, thus requiring understanding of the specific interpretations of the specs. 此外,这些主要规范中的每一个都包含一些会妨碍互操作性的含糊之处,因此大家就需要理解规范的明确解释。