释义 |
1 ?名字 ... 所属州: WA 名字: Rustad 姓: Mark ... 2 ?斯塔德 在1953 年由鲁斯塔德(Rustad)和鲁贝(Ruby)做的 He 的β衰变实验 给出 λ= +0.34±0.09, (4) 看起来这毫无疑问地确定了β衰变相互作用是 S,T,也许还包含有 P ...
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Rustad, for his part, is dismayed by official Norway's reaction to the attacks. 而鲁斯塔德自己对这次袭击事件中挪威官方的反应感到失望。 - 2
Riulf Rustad, a professional investor with stakes in several Norwegian companies, said 70% of the new recruits would fail. 拥有数家挪威公司股份的职业投资人Riulf Rustad表示将有七成女董事无法胜任工作。 - 3
“I remember him well, ” says Rustad, who is all dressed in white. “He was a talker, he spoke long and loudly—mainly bluster.” “我对他印象很深,”穿了一身白的鲁斯塔德说,“他总是喋喋不休,说话大声,长篇大论,不过大多是吹牛。”