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辛普森,沃利斯 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Many have insisted that she did not hate Wallis Simpson and simply wanted peace, while others enjoyed the idea of a feud. 许多人坚信她并不憎恨华丽斯·辛普森,只不过想要太平,同时还有另外一些人津津有味的猜测两人的不和。 - 2
For Wallis Simpson, maligned as' the woman who stole the King ', the Abdication was a tragedy. 对于被污蔑为“拐走国王的女人”的华丽斯·辛普森来说,退位事件是一场噩梦。 - 3
The film, which has its premiere on Thursday, is a drama loosely based on US divorcee Wallis Simpson and her relationship with King Edward VIII. 这部电影将于周四进行全球首映,是根据辛普森和爱德华八世离婚为背景的一部舞台剧。