释义 |
存储恢复 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?重新蓄水 ... storage reservoir ==> 贮水池,储藏仓库,蓄水库 storage restoration ==> 重新蓄水 storage ring ==> 存贮环 ...
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The removal of dams remains controversial because of high restoration costs, loss of low-cost electricity, and the loss of water storage facilities. 大坝的拆除仍然存在争议,因为高重建成本,损失低成本电力,以及损失蓄水设施。 - 2
How information is collated is important, because different solutions imply different storage requirements, techniques, and the facilities available for restoration. 信息的整理方式非常重要,因为不同的解决方案对应着不同的存储需求、技术和恢复机制。 - 3
The interest phenomena found was that there was sap flow in nighttime, although it was faintly, which would be stem water restoration and storage for day transpiration. 也证明夜间有微弱液流存在,这是树体水分恢复和储水阶段,以备来日耗水之用。