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In the nineteenth century, Horatio Alger, a writer of fiction for young boys, became American's best-selling author with rags-to-riches tales. 在19世纪,读者受众为年轻男孩的小说作家霍雷肖·阿尔杰凭借讲述白手起家的故事成为美国最畅销作家。 - 2
That quintessentially American narrative, the Horatio Alger tale, makes the opposite case: With diligence and hard work, anyone can climb to the top. 美国作家霍雷肖?阿尔杰的作品告诉了我们一个相反的道理:只要勤奋和努力,任何人都可以爬上人生的顶峰。 - 3
Before telling me his Horatio Alger story, though, he had something he wanted me to understand. 在讲述他的白手起家的奋斗史之前,他更想和我分享一些关于他自己的事。