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涂片刷 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Construction craft: usable wool brush, uniform saturated used for stone material surface, should smear evenly on the surface, not too little. 施工工艺:可用羊毛刷,均匀饱和用于石材表面,应均匀涂抹于表面,不可过少。 - 2
If smear is too heavy, usable scour efface, again dry finally brush. - 3
To clean the dust on the shoes, open the iron lid with a brush or soft cloth shoes, a little wax stick, even smear on the leather surface, then wipe with a soft cloth can be polished. 将鞋上的灰尘清洁干净,打开铁盒盖,用毛刷或软布沾少许鞋蜡,均匀涂抹于皮鞋表面,再用软布擦拭抛光即可。