... come down to earth 回到现实中来... run to earth逃入洞内(隐匿)... bring someone back to earth 回到现实中来。从幻想...
... run through贯穿;跑着穿过…;(... run to earth终于找到, 追踪到... run to ground(狐狸等)逃入地穴,...
You'll need a modern machine torun Google Earth, including 3-d acceleration for usable results.
您将需要一台现代计算机才能运行Google Earth,包括使用3 - D加速器获得合适的效果。
The tunes in this musical drama are mostly Indian, but they have been dragged out of their classic dignity; that which soared in the sky was taught torun on the earth.
In a dusty field in Kitui, eastern Kenya, farmers are being taught how to construct small, semi-circular barriers of earth that control the flow of water, slowing its run-off.