释义 |
1 ?放缆船 Cable Boat(放缆船), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
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And of course, if you have an earthquake, or if someone is, you know, hitting your cable with a boat, or a ship, then you simply have bad luck, " he said. 当然,假如发生地震,或者假如船只碰坏了电缆,那你就只好自认倒霉。 - 2
Back on the boat, you can charge the Reef with a USB cable while uploading dive details like water temperature and depth. 回到船上,你可以一边在电脑上下载潜水一些注意事项,比如潜水的水温和深度,一边用根数据线将这款“礁石”手表与电脑相连,给手表充电。 - 3
The ship common here says " much Buddhist nun boat " , arrive from hull, mast cable, take the coco that grows from the seaside; 这里的船只俗称“多尼船”,从船身、桅杆到缆绳,都取自海边生长的椰子树;