释义 |
- 肆意妄为,蛮横无理:指某人或某事物肆意妄为,不顾及他人感受或权益。
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I don't think I run roughshod over people, but if something sucks, I tell people to their face. 我不认为我待人冷酷无情,有事情搞砸了,我会当面责骂。 - 2
In America we let rich people run roughshod over the law, pay no penance, take no responsibility and let the taxpayers shoulder the burden! 在美国,我们让富人们任意践踏法律,无需忏悔、无需负责,然后让纳税人来承担后果! - 3
Universal laws will eventually pull them up short, and the more they've run roughshod over peoples' lives, the harder their lesson is going to be. 自然规律最终会令他们突然停下来,他们越无情地对待别人,自己得到的教训就越严重。