释义 |
- 流鼻涕:指鼻涕过多,流出鼻腔的现象,通常是感冒、过敏等疾病的症状。
1 ?流鼻涕 ...?症状(symptoms): 咳嗽(cough),感冒(cold),发烧(flu),发烧(fever),流感(flu),鼻塞(nasal congestion),流鼻涕(runny nose),喉咙痒(itching of throat),咽喉痛(sore throat),瞌睡(Drowsy),鼻窦(nasal passage),食欲(Appetite?“poor, fair, good”... 2 ?流鼻水 感冒时,除可能有头痛、喉痛、咳嗽、发烧或肌痛等症状外,偶而伴随鼻塞(stuffy nose)或 流鼻水 ( runny nose )的症状,由于一般感冒多半由病毒感染引起,除非引起细菌性支气管炎等合并症,否则服用抗生素不一定会有效。 3 ?鼻水 ... Sore Throat咽痛 Runny Nose鼻水 Sneezing喷嚏 ... 4 ?鼻涕 ... pick your nose挖鼻孔; a runny nose鼻涕; follow your nose凭直觉行事; ...
- 1
Symptoms are streaming eyes, a runny nose, headache, and a cough. - 2
Infectious bronchitis generally begins with the symptoms of a common cold: runny nose, sore throat, fatigue, and chilliness. 感染性支气管炎起病时,一般具有普通感冒症状:出现流鼻涕、喉痛、疲乏和寒战。 - 3
Cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny nose and scratchy throat typically develop gradually, and adults and teens often do not get a fever. 感冒症状,如鼻塞、流鼻涕和喉咙发痒,通常是逐渐出现的,成年人和青少年通常不发烧。