释义 |
1 ?填补空白 ... stop n. 停止,车站,滞留; v. 停止,停止,制止 stop a gap 填补空白,弥补缺陷 storage n. 储存体,储藏,仓库 ... 2 ?修 ... stop a bullet中断,挂彩 stop a gap修,补,弥补,补空,代理 stop a passage堵塞通道 ...
- 1
A stop-gap measure merely serves as a commodious addition to some short-sighted result-driven politicians. 一项权宜之计只是为一些目光短浅、以结果为导向的政客提供了方便。 - 2
This is at best a stop-gap measure, since the reduction is for one month only, and retailers are not obligated to cut their prices. 这是最好的一权宜措施,由于减价期仅为一个月,而零售商都没有义务一定要削减他们的价格。 - 3
The statement informed them that their pensions were being cut. The reductions come as a stop-gap measure to control Germany's ballooning pension crisis.1 这一削减就是为了控制住德国日益膨胀的养老金危机而采取的缩小收支差距的措施。