My first modeling job was really fun. It was at the London-China Olympic Exhibition in Millennium Park. I was to play the role of a London police officer, and I even had a real London policeman's outfit. I got the opportunity to meet powerful Beijing government leaders, business people, media people, as well as dignitaries from England, like the London mayor. The exhibition was in a large tent assembled for four days, to show off London as not only being the site of the 2012 Olympics, but also a great place to study English. For four days I “stood guard” and blew my whistle in mock arrest of make believe perpetrators inside the tent. It was 12 hours a day of long arduous conversations and greeting spectators. When there were no spectators, my job would get a little tedious. I spent many hours talking to Susan, a Chinese model I met who was also working there, and some of the other Chinese models that were working there with us. I also used my time to network. I met one of my best friends there, Joey, who wants me to help him start an import/export furniture business. I got dozens of cards from CCTV employees, business owners, university officials, government denizens and even police officers, all of whom should be good connections at some point. I still keep in touch with most of the people I met during those four days, and see that time as a pivotal kick-off to my successful life in China.