... 人类(homo sapiens) 石珊瑚(stony corals) 酵母(yeast) ...
... 石珊瑚类 Scleractinia ; Stony corals 花珊瑚类 Zoantharia 六辐珊瑚类 hexacorallia ; HAXACORALLIA ...
若依照珊瑚骨骼质地的特性来区分则可分为石珊瑚类(stony corals)和软珊瑚类(soft cofals)。 石珊瑚种类繁多且形状各异,据估计全世界的石珊瑚约有七百多种,大部分属于六放珊瑚亚纲中的石珊瑚...
The researchers say the coral trade is removing about one million five hundred thousand live stony corals from the oceans each year.
VOA : special.2010.08.10
Corals have hard, stony skeletons that grow like tree trunks.
VOA : special.2009.05.12