释义 |
您要找的是不是: 师兄senior fellow apprentice - 1
When Zhao Shixiong came round at dawn, he found himself sleeping under a big plum tree, some birds singing in the tree. 当赵师兄过来在黎明时分,他发现自己睡着了下一个大李子树,说一些鸟类在树上。 - 2
Unfortuately, in the 8th Year of Qianlong Emperor of Qing Dynasty (1744), not long after the founding, Jiang Shixiong died. 可是,二宜楼兴建没过多久,乾隆8年(1744年)蒋士熊就辞世了。 - 3
According to the legend, Zhao Shixiong, a person of Sui Dynasty, once travelled in a mountain, dreaming that he had a drink with a woman who dressed simply. 根据传说,赵师汹是一个人的隋代,曾前往山区通过了,梦见他喝酒的女人谁只是穿着。