释义 |
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So far I have received: the news that my parents are divorcing, a dead bird and a pile of shit left on my bed (courtesy of the cat), a rash all over my face, and some slippers from my boyfriend. 我收到的礼物包括我爸妈离婚的消息,床上的一只死鸟和一坨大便(猫咪留下的),满脸的疹子以及男朋友买的几双拖鞋。 - 2
When I was training my dog, whenever he did a shit or piss indoors I'd rub his face in it. 我试着锻炼我的狗…每当它拉在家里,我就把它的脸按上去(好恶)… - 3
First of all, high price, very shit quality, the face panel would very easily loose and fall off after several days using. 首先,价格很高,但是质量很差,表的面板随时会脱落,一般可以使用几天吧。