Have you decided whether you want me to shipvia UPS or provide you with a refund.
Early evening return to the shipvia cable car and tender boat for dinner and show onboard as you depart Santorini and sail back to Piraeus.
晚上乘坐缆车和摆渡船返回游轮,一边享用晚餐,一边观看精彩的节目。 夜里游轮将出发返回比雷埃夫斯。
When Wang Er-Chern began trading agricultural produce in northern Thailand in the early 1990s, it took two weeks to send goods by road and shipvia Laos to his native Yunnan.
上世纪九十年代早期,当Wang er - Chern开始在泰国北部交易农业产品时,他花了两周的时间才把货用船和货车途经老挝运到了云南本地。