释义 |
悲伤抑郁 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?悲郁 ... A joy In sorrow苦中作乐 sorrow depression悲郁 colourable sorrow假悲伤 ...
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One day there will be no more insecurity, or loneliness, or depression, or jealousy, or conflict, or sorrow in the world. 有这么一天,世界上不再有威胁、孤独、沮丧、嫉妒、冲突、痛苦。 - 2
Sometimes we experience great mood swings: from excitement to depression, from joy to sorrow, from inner harmony to inner chaos. 有时我们会体验到剧烈的情绪波动:从兴奋到低落,从快乐到悲伤,从内心和谐到内心烦乱。 - 3
You'll be released from pain, from sorrow, from suffering, from depression, and from fear. 你会得到释放,不再有疼痛,悲哀,你也不再受苦,不再沮丧,也不再有恐惧。