释义 |
1 ?煤烟含量 ... 次煤烟 subbituminous coal 煤烟含量 soot content 煤烟浓度 soot concentration ...
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The soot content in the field test oils is measured with the fore mentioned method, which shows good accuracy and repeatability on both new and used oils. 此法可测定新油及旧油中的烟炱含量,准确性、重复性较好。 - 2
The methods to be presented are: increased dry solids content of black liquor, air preheating, soot blowing arrangement, feedwater preheating, steam parameters and heat recovery after precipitator. 将要介绍的这些方法为:增加黑液固形物含量、空气预热、吹灰系统、给水预热、蒸汽参数和电除尘后的热回收。 - 3
The methods to be presented are: increased dry solids content of black liquor, air preheating, soot blowing arrangement, feed water preheating, steam parameters and heat recovery after precipitator. 本文将要介绍的方法为:增加黑液固含量、空气预热、吹灰系统、给水预热、蒸汽参数和电除尘后的热回收。