Later, Li Shimin (r. 626-649), son of Li Yuan, ascended the throne as emperor Taizong, who was one of the greatest emperors in Chinese history.
李渊的儿子唐太宗李世民(626 - 649年在位),是中国历史上最有作为的君王之一。
Following this superstition wasn't exactly the most juggle-friendly thing to do; it meant more sleepy late-night trips to Babies-R-Us and Target to buy gear after our son was born.
遵循这种迷信并非是最有利于平衡工作与生活的事;对我来说,这意味着儿子出生后,有更多的时候,我得睡眼惺忪地半夜跑到Babies - r - Us和Target商店去买婴儿用品。
Shortly before he walked into the Southwick police station at 9:15 a.m., Ann R. Israel informed United States marshals that her 48-year-old son planned to surrender.
在他早上9点15分走入Southwick警察局之前不久,Ann R. Israel通知联邦警察局她48岁的儿子计划自首。