释义 |
1 ?索诺伊塔 中线是墨西哥的索诺伊塔(Sonoita) 或诺加莱斯(Nogales) ,这一带黄沙漫漫毒蛇遍地、荒无人烟,夏季酷热、冬天奇寒,越过边界则是美国的亚利桑那州和新墨西哥州。 2 ?城市 ... 地址: 9 Roan Ct 城市: Sonoita 所属州: AZ ...
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Like nearby, Elgin (no. 10 on this list), Sonoita is famous for its vineyards, wide open Spaces, and beautiful desert. 像附近的埃尔金(名列本表第十位)一样,索诺伊塔因其葡萄园、开阔的空间和美丽的沙漠而闻名于世。 - 2
Sonoita, a tiny census-designated place with less than 1, 000 residents, is peppered with ranches, vacation and retirement homes. 索诺伊塔是居民不到1000人的普查规定的小居民点,到处是牧场、度假村和养老院。 - 3
Sonoita, a tiny census-designated place with less than 1,000 residents, is peppered with ranches, vacation and retirement homes. 索诺伊塔是居民不到1000人的普查规定的小居民点,到处是牧场、度假村和养老院。