释义 |
- 亏本经营:指企业或个人在经营过程中,支出大于收入,导致财务亏损。
1 ?赔本 ... Often At A Loss 常常不知所措 run at a loss 赔本 at a loss 茫然 ; 困惑 ; 困惑不解 ; 不知所措 ... 2 ?经营亏损 ... Make/Take a loss:亏损?? Run at a loss:经营亏损 Net Income:总收益? / 净收益(Gross作为动词使用时,表示总共赚取, Net作为动词使用时,表示净赚取) ...
- 1
Clearly price promotions generally run at a loss, otherwise there would be more of them. 很明显,价格促销通常都是亏本进行的,否则会有更多的促销活动。 - 2
If speculators on the futures markets get carried away, pushing prices so high that refineries run at a loss, they will simply shut down, causing the price to fall again. 如果期货市场的投机商被冲昏了头,将价格抬到了炼油厂要负债经营的地步,这些工厂只须一关门,油价就会回落。 - 3
Sure, your heart will have to work at a higher heart rate for awhile when you run, which is good for heart health, but if your goal is calorie loss, it doesn't matter which one you do. 当然,你跑一英里的话,心跳会更快,这对你的心脏健康是有好处的。但是,如果你的目标只是单纯的想燃脂的话,无论是跑步或是走路都是可以的。